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Ulysses- Lob & Pichard
Reading Batman ep. 6 – The Batwoman, Detective Comics #233, 1956
The second in my series dealing with Batman’s extended Silver Age “family.”
Drawing Yellow Man page 7
Yellow Man page 8

hi res pdf of finished pages is available to paying members at our Patreon site.
New Yellow Man page
Page 7 just finished! hi res files of these pages are available to paying members of our Patreon site.

Smack in the Middle of a Cold War
a ligne claire gem from Heavy Metal magazine, 1982
Reading Tintin #19
A critical and personal review of each of the 24 Tintin volumes. In this episode, I review Explorers on the Moon and give my own thoughts on the history of the book, it’s art and the context of the time it was created. In Explorers on the Moon, Herge, now working with his studio, sought to create a tale without the fantastical elements of sci-fi stories, but one grounded in scientific fact and research.
Reading Batman #222
A read through of the story, “Dead Till Proven Alive,” which appeared in Batman #222, 1970, inspired by the Beatles and the “Paul is dead” rumor and conspiracy theory.
Bad Co.
Pencil layout sketches for the current page I’m working on, The Yellow Man. The character lower right is Zak, the owner of the comic book shop Sofi (with the necktie) works at. I’m trying to give Zak a 70’s dude look, with Bad Co. t-shirt.