from The Yellow Man, a character sketch of Stella Fairchild (a.k.a. Fairy Peril) with her preferred weapons.
Tag: comics
Tuesday Sketch
Naomi and Sofi of Ken Not Included, from my comic project, The Yellow Man.
Yellow Man sketch series continued-
Sofi’s bandmate, Keiko.
Sofi Fomalhaut
This week will feature sketches for a project I’m working on now that Rhiannon is nearing completion. The Yellow Man is a comic I started working on years ago. This is a character sketch of Sofi, guitarist for a band called Ken Not Included.
Saturday Sketch
to end the superheroes/villains week, an obscure one from Dr. Strange, with thanks to cartoonist Marie Severin… Umar!
Friday Villain Sketch
Homage to Steve Ditko- Dr. Strange foe, Baron Mordo.
Bring on the bad guys
Sketchbook Thursday 9/19
Superhero Sketch Wed 9/18
Golden Age Batman in ballpoint pen
Superhero sketch Tuesday 9/17
Based on a film still from a Japanese sci fi movie.
Sketchbook Monday 9/16
This week’s theme will be superheroes and villains.