Yellow Man page 01-
One of my current projects. Hi-res pdfs are available to members of our Patreon site, as I post them.
Tag: yellow man
Yellow Man- inking page 05, panels 1-2
A short video with music, inking the first two panels of the page.
Montauk, NY
Creepy Monday illustration- The Anti-Gravity League, Montauk, 1954, from my comic The Yellow Man.
Yellow Man- prologue inks
Yellow Man- pencilling video
Pencilling Lorelei preview
If you find watching a video of someone drawing, set to a soundtrack of weird music, recorded on an old 4-track tape machine is fun, then check out my Patreon site…
Saturday Sketch and Video
An early concept sketch of Lorelei from my comic-in-progress, The Yellow Man.
My latest video of inking this comic is now up on our Patreon page…
Friday Sketch
Lorelei with her typewriter, from my comic, The Yellow Man.
Thursday Sketch
character sketches of Stella and Demelza for The Yellow Man.
Wednesday Sketch
from The Yellow Man, a character sketch of Stella Fairchild (a.k.a. Fairy Peril) with her preferred weapons.